A stair leading upwards with an interesting exposure of light to symbolise the successful coaching process.

R|H Coaching Process –
Transparency on Your Way to Goal Attainment.

Transparency is the aim of our detailed coaching process. Our coaching process incorporates all steps of ‘classic’ coaching and is based on the R|H Executive Coaching Model. We believe that our coachees' / client’s ( ) needs, desires and goals are unique. The major strength of our coaching approach and coaching process is to be able to respond to this uniqueness by using appropriate coaching methods and techniques, adapting the number and timing of the coaching sessions and the duration of the coaching.

First Call
Personal Meeting
Coaching Contract
Personal Position
Goal Setting
Option Development
Action Planning
Goal Attainment
© 2022 · Roether | Huwald GbR

R|H Coaching Process Steps in Detail

01First Call

In a short phone call (approx. 15 minutes), we will discuss your current situation, the challenges you are facing and your coaching goals. The aim of this first informal conversation is to get to know each other and to decide if we plan on working together. Furthermore, R|H has the chance to evaluate if we can help you reach your coaching goal. This first conversation is free of charge.

02Personal Meeting

The so called ‘Chemistry Session’ is the next step to get a deeper understanding of each other. We will explain our coaching approach, our coaching understanding, what we expect from you, what you can expect from us and what is important for us. All too often, the ‘chemistry’ between the coachee and the coach is undervalued. A good coaching relationship, the prerequisite and fundamental condition for coaching success, can be established and maintained only if the chemistry fits between the partners. After this meeting both partners can decide to work together. The Chemistry Session is free of charge.

03Coaching Contract

The start and basis for our coaching assignment is signing the coaching contract. It is a mutual commitment to work solely on your goal and goal attainment. Besides the framing conditions – like the duration of the coaching, the number and timing of the coaching sessions, compensation and place where the coaching takes place – additional important aspects will be agreed upon, like the coaching topic, confidentiality issues, the responsibility of the coach and your responsibility.

04Personal Position

You already have told us (on the phone and in the ‘Chemistry Session’) about your current situation, the challenges you are facing and the coaching goal you are going to achieve. The aim of this step is to actively listen to you and to ask you precise and focused Socratic questions; questions that help you to experience and understand your current situation from different perspectives. This will help you to challenge your personal attitude and your assumptions and to unveil the core of your current situation. In addition, we use self- and observer-assessments that will provide you with valuable insights and indicators to reach your coaching goal.

05Goal Setting

Based on your personal position, we will work on the formulation of your coaching goal. This means to describe the current state and the desired outcome. On first sight, describing the goal precisely seems to be an easy task. However, on closer examination goal setting is quite a complex task, since motivation of the coachee plays a major role for the willingness to work hard on goal attainment. Goal motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic, and the type of motivation might be unknown to the coachee. Intrinsically motivated goals reflect the coachee’s natural values, provide fun and enjoyment or are identified as important. In contrast, extrinsically motivated goals are rooted in the stress field of the coachee’s social environment, in particular their partner, employees, supervisors, etc. To answer the question to what extent the coaching goal is motivated by the coachee’s social environment is not a trivial one. We help you with our Coaching-Goal-Motivation-Inventory (CGMI)R|H to understand how your coaching goal is motivated and how you can change the goal so that it becomes your true personal goal. This is important, as only identified and intrinsically and motivated goals will lead to enhanced goal effort, the willingness to work hard to attain the coaching goal.

06Option Development

After defining the coaching goal, we will work on options for actions that are goal-oriented and will help you to attain your coaching goal. We will facilitate this process through our non-directive coaching style and enable you to select the best suited options. You have our full attention, we listen actively, mirror back what has been said and help you to identify those options with which you feel most comfortable.

07Action Planning

The aim of this step is to plan and prepare concrete actions. This can be done via ‘rehearsal’ exercises or direct actions which are planned and executed in your environment. We will help you to be best possibly prepared and enabled to successfully implement them. ‘Rehearsal’ or coaching exercises can help to try and test actions, for example in a role play, while writing a plan on how to deal with a situation can help you to reflect before acting.


Implementing your planned activities – the so-called ‘In-Between Session’. This session happens ‘in between’ our coaching sessions, includes pre- and post-preparation of your actions and serves as valuable source for the ‘evaluation’ step. During your implementation we will support you on short notice via email, video conference or phone to ensure you are well supported and feel safe to continue.


This coaching session will help you to become aware of your knowledge and insights gained from the ‘In-Between Session’ by reflecting upon what has gone right, if the action was goal-oriented, what can be improved and your perceptions of the action. If we are progressing well then, we will plan the next action. If you determine that the action was leading in the wrong direction, we will work on developing new options. If you decide that your coaching goal has changed due to the experiences gained, we will adapt your goal definition appropriately. And if you conclude that you have reached your goal, then we will continue to the last step of the coaching process.

10Goal Attainment

In this final step we clarify if and to what extent you are satisfied with your degree of goal attainment based on what we have agreed in step 05. Furthermore, we will discuss the next steps for your future and receive and reflect upon your feedback.